#1 Defeat the credit card fees
Transaction costs with cryptocurrency usage are negligible. Unlike credit cards, miners do not charge crypto holders based on the amount of the transaction. The processing fee on credit cards can go sky-high if used for payments above the normal threshold. Incurring 1.3-3.5% of extra card fees may seem trivial for everyday purchases. However, undergoing the same charge on a transcontinental midsize jet charter can quickly turn into a nightmare. The wretched detail lies in the conceptual framework of banking. The transaction costs keep layering up like taxes as the transacted value grows.
Crypto avoids this pointless surplus. Miners only charge users based on the size of the transaction in terms of kilobytes. The average person paying through Bitcoin in September 2021 only incurs USD 2.576 per transaction as a processing fee. On the other hand, mean credit card fees are 8 times more costly. That should settle the perspective.
Not convinced yet? Cryptocurrency essentially rips away the entire chain of third-party intermediaries profiting off of your transactions. The processing fee isn’t the only extra price you pay; assessment and interchange charges are additional thorns to pluck. Corporations have milked card owners for ages. Chartering private jets with cryptocurrency is going to provide better spending opportunities.
#2 Everybody will be using it in the future

Where do crypto-users spend their wealth? Travel accounts for one of the top five industries where most cryptocurrency transactions are made. Couple that fact with the reason why you’re reading this, private jet charter and crypto are a match made in heaven. The demographics surrounding worldwide Bitcoin trends are impressively stunning. Who knew that teenagers love rolling in style?
Out of 15 broad sectors in conventional markets, Generation Z exhibited their top interest in the Travel and Leisure industry. Reportedly, 65.3% of Gen-Z crypto-owners stated that they wish to pursue using cryptocurrency while traveling, second only to Entertainment and Media (60.6%). Looks like the age bracket of 24 and under is all about the sweet luxury lifestyle! Finding out that crypto-owning Millennials also tagged Travel and Leisure as their 1st interest is just the cherry on top.
Hiring private planes usually drives the cost beyond $1000. Nearly 30% of individuals earning more than USD 100K annually spend more than $1000 per crypto deal. So, a significant number of crypto-owners may be engaging injet charter purchases. Over 70% of all generations who do not own cryptocurrency cite the inadequacy of knowledge as the main repellent for cryptocurrency adoption. But grieve not! There is a silver lining to it all. A whopping 19 million non-owners are ready to conduct purchases in the upcoming year.
#3 Exercise your freedom
Everything is confidential. The entire system of blockchain currency is designed to give users the autonomy they deserve. Why is it so rare to see an unbanked person walking around? Banks accumulate tons of data by centralizing the process. The conspiracy theories run wild on that one.
When you spend Bitcoin, you act as your own boss. No shady institutions can track personal data. Sprinkle on some amazing guiding factors for pricing crypto; government policies never pose serious threats to Bitcoin valuation. Rent your next jet with cryptocurrency to experience what it really means to control your wealth yourself. The authority remains with you. Privacy of transactions amps the private charter luxury experience to the next level.
Did you know that 5 out of 10 consumers prefer utilizing services which integrate the cryptocurrency payment model in their business? If you’re one of such five consumers, celebrate with us. Icarus Jet has heard your wishes! We are now offering complete payment for charter services in more than 10 different cryptocurrencies.
Call Icarus Jet at +1 972 364 1833 or email us at info@icarusjet.com to order a private airplane with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin and more.