If it were to us, all pets would fly only on private jets. But that’s wishful thinking as traveling on private aircraft is not the most cost-effective way of travel. We encourage you to fly on Private aircraft with your Pets, and we love it. At any given International airport, we see pets in cages or small bags being carried through the cargo ramps to the Airlines. Well, sometimes there is no choice as either the price of private travel compared to the airline doesn’t make it wise to spend the money on transportation. One can see the stress that this Airline travel brings on the pets. The heavy panting in the confined cage, loud unfamiliar engine noises, varying temperatures can have a drastic effect on the health of your pet.
There are many incidences of pets either being shipped to the wrong airport or not arriving alive. This happens more often than not. Airlines are meant for the travel of Humans, and even that is getting burdensome with cancellations and cramped seats, TSA, and carry on baggage fees, let alone for one to expect a hassle-free journey for their pets on an Airline.
Does It cost extra for the pets to travel on Private Aircraft?
Usually, most operators do not ask for an additional fee for carrying a pet on board the private aircraft. The most common restrictions are in the Middle East, where the Operators of the aircraft have demanded the pets to be in a crate and not allowed to be free in the cabin while in-flight. The highest fee that we have come across till now is 1500 USD for cabin cleaning after the flight. The operators who do charge a fee for the pets to be carried charge anywhere from 300 USD to 1500 USD for the cabin cleaning. These cabin cleaning fees are non-negotiable and are billed before the flight.

What Paperwork is required for the Pets to be on board?
On a domestic flight in the USA, most operators do not require any paperwork for the pet to be on board. How ever, if you are considering taking your pet on an international trip, there are various strict Paperwork and records that would need to submit and carried in person with the Parents. Some of this Paperwork is listed below, but please check with your Icarus Jet Charter analyst for the Paperwork required on your particular international private jet trip with your pets.
- Pet international passport copy
- Pet Microchip certificate
- Rabies vaccination certificate (must be administrated at least 21 days before DOF and not more than three months)
- Echinococcus Tapeworm Treatment (dogs only), which must be given 24-120 hours before the flight
- Valid International Health Certificate
- Valid Veterinarian Certificate
We recently carried Humphrey, his Dad Phil, and one other friend of his. They traveled on a Challenger 350 from Muscat to Riyadh in style.