Malindi Airport

Jan 31, 2019

History of Malindi Airport

Located in the Indian Ocean waterfront, Malindi Airport is only 2.6 km away from the town center. Operated by private travelers to the Eden Rock Hotel in the 1950s, the airstrip evolved to terminal construction in 1957. The airfield is closed on Sundays, open till noon on Saturdays, and operates only between 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays.

Malindi Airport Services

The airport has two bitumen-marked runways. The Kenyan authorities funded the 2M USD expansion of the airport in 2012, which renovated the runways and introduced a new control tower on the platform. In 2016, the terminal expanded by an additional 8 km to increase capacity. There are now two counters for check-ins and a departure lounge much humble than needed. The apron is connected to the runway by a taxiway – capable of holding 3 aircraft. The two FBOs for on-ground handling are Kenya Aerotech LTD and Superior Jet Operations.

Malindi Airport Map

Malindi Airport Information

Lat/LongLongest Hard Surface Runway (ft)
S03-13.4/E040-06.04,600 x 98, 17/35
Elevation (ft)Runway Surface
Fuel Available
Current UTCLocal Standard Time
8:32:32 AM (+3.00)11:32:32 AM

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