Nice Côte d’Azur Airport – Area Navigation Equipment Requirements

Nov 21, 2018

In the recent France Aeronautical Information Circular, a new requirement was added for all aircraft inbound to LFMN / Nice Côte d’Azur Airport

As of January 1st 2019, all airlines and business aviation a/c operators that are planning to operate to Nice airport, shall comply with the RNP APCH navigation specification.

This measure aims at improving flight safety and Air Traffic Management in Nice, particularly facing west in adverse MET conditions.

Only aircrafts capable to perform at least an “LNAV-type” RNP APCH will be able to operate at Nice Airport.

However, exemptions are considered as follows:

  • aircrafts owned, rented or charted by the State, and aircraft belonging to Foreign States;
  • aircrafts in emergency situations;
  • aircrafts performing medical flights or medical evacuations.

The VOR procedures will remain published as a back-up but will only be used in the event of unforeseen situations (GNSS system malfunction during flight, GNSS interference…)

Icarus Jet
8321 Lemmon Ave,
Dallas,Texas 75209

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